Suggest: LIST of places where film devp, scanning and printing is offered

din know DM actually created such a thread. :embrass:

stickied it. please only use this thread to keep a list of places dat develop/scan & sell 120 film?

Looking to develop B&W HP5, went to Ruby a few days ago, $6 a roll like what a few users said (takes 3 working days, so they outsource) and scanning takes 5 working days, contact sheet also provided along with CD. Price for scanning to CD alone is $12. Total $18.

Decided not to scan in the end. Anyone can recommend a good place to process B&W 35mm? Also, how long does fotohub take to process 35mm B&W?

Thanks guys, will update if I try out any others.
Just sent my first roll of 120 (B&W) to colour lab, cost $22.90 for dev+scan, ouch! The price is really a bit high...

Not sure about 35mm, but I develop my 120 B&W negatives at Fotohub at Beach Road. It costs $5 per roll (before GST), and collect latest next day.

Went to Photo hub and Ruby this afternoon.

120 B&W Develop
Ruby 6.8
Photo hub 5

Scan (4 base)
Photo hub, 25.8
Ruby 20

For 120 color neg

Ruby Develop + Scan 20

Photo hub, scan 12.6, not sure about develop

how much
to convert a old colour film to digital one with gd quality... heheh
i had few roll need to do tht...

i more looking @ the quality... and later can wash 6r above if needed

Just a quick update.

Ektar 100 Oriental selling at $7 but sold out (I bought last 1 roll). Waiting for new stock to come in.
Velvia 100 $10 very good deal I think. Please don't buy all as some kiasu did with the Ektar.
Fotohub Tri-X after discount $4.95 I think Cheapest
Cathay BW400CN $5.50 I think is cheapest.

I realized 2 things. If you asked for scan together with developing, comes back more scratch-free.
If you asked for 4R prints always try to up sell you a 4 Base scan, which they have to do before printing anyway. Don't bother.

Just got back 16 Base scan from Fotohub. They used the Noritsu machine. Color Lab uses Frontier to scan (have not tried) and now Konota says theirs better than 16 Base (going to try next roll), not sure which scanner.

Anyway 16 Base scan from FotoHub no better than a 2400dpi scan from my CanoScan 8800F (cheap under $300 scanner). My default scanning is usually 3200dpi (can see improvement from 2400 and less time then 4800, the "native resolution") with Unsharp Mask ON, and High Scatch and Dust Reduction (not too effective) and with appropriate backlight if needed.

For prints, so far I am happy with Color Lab, the person operating the machine has better knowledge and heart to give good pictures. Paper slightly higher grade too. More X I think. Exact price not sure but I think slightly more X but ok la. Better than bad ones and you are not the one at fault. For me I get 30% from 1 roll I happy, and 3/36 I willing to pay for good scan and print A2 I happy already. At 4R just use high contrast lenses/system or film and they will look better. Then why bother shooting film. Just go digital.

Still looking for a place that does Imacon (Hasselblad now) scanning.

is grace digital lab and located at sunset way in clementi st 12

Hi All,

Till recent time Ruby photo was taking 4x5 sheet films for E6 development but it isn't the case anymore :( Is anyone in Singapore still doing that? Or, at least, is there a place to get E6 chemicals? Tetenal 3 baths kits would be ideal

Hi All,

Till recent time Ruby photo was taking 4x5 sheet films for E6 development but it isn't the case anymore :( Is anyone in Singapore still doing that? Or, at least, is there a place to get E6 chemicals? Tetenal 3 baths kits would be ideal

Singapore doesn't have E6 development anymore unfortunately, and for bath kits I'd think you can only get them from overseas.

any place to buy film? it seem like here long time nobody update?

Porta400 is cheaper on amazon.

1 pack of 5 with shipping is abt 36 bucks. Ruby selling at 44

Checked Kodak at hougang mall today. To develop, 1 roll $4. To print pics $0.35 each. Is that market price or considered ex?

Till recent time Ruby photo was taking 4x5 sheet films for E6 development but it isn't the case anymore :( Is anyone in Singapore still doing that? Or, at least, is there a place to get E6 chemicals? Tetenal 3 baths kits would be ideal

Hi, I've just saw your post. A few months back several CS members have kindly agreed to share a lot of E6 chemicals with me. You can see the thread here.

I still have some balance left, and if you, or anyone else, would like to have some to get going, please drop me a PM. I can rebottle them chemicals into a 1-litre or 5-litre kit for you.

If you just need to get a few sheets developed, drop me a PM, I might be able to help.

Singapore doesn't have E6 development anymore unfortunately, and for bath kits I'd think you can only get them from overseas.

I got a roll of Velvia developed at Photohub CW (E6) a few months ago. Do you man that they don't do E6 processing anymore?

we are referring to 4x5 format.

I got a roll of Velvia developed at Photohub CW (E6) a few months ago. Do you man that they don't do E6 processing anymore?

Who says no E6 in Singapore?

Loshen specialize in E6 Fuji
So do Zguy and others!

Just a good laugh.

China Film Development Service.


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Hi, can I ask.... Usually when the lab scan the negatives to cd, how many megapixel is ideal? Just sent in a roll, 1 photo about 1mb and very grainy when I zoom in.....