Please help to share this - Trouble @ Jalan Suka

Looking that those pictures, it seems that those activities have been going on for more than 3years already and Adam has been enduring it for such a long time.

SPF or in particular, the Anti-vice unit - it is a matter of whether they wish to eradicate all the activities there or not. If they were to come and raid every hour non-stop, I suppose there would be no more woman there. Either these woman are caught, or their pimps would bring them to work somewhere else. I guess the AV knows the situation very well.

Someone suggested to Adam to rent out his house. 50k a month might be wishful thinking and somewhat exaggerated. But 20k might be more realistic. and then, just go rent a condo or even another house somewhere else at a much lower price. Cannot understand why Adam choose to stay at that filthy place.

And after posting the video, I am sure those pimps and so forth would know easily who is behind all these complaints and "trouble". I guess it is now pretty risky to continue to stay there.

It took a HomeTeam Combined Task Force consisting of the Police Tactical Unit (PTU) from the Special Operations Command (SOC) and enforcement specialists / officers from the Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA) less than a working week to raid a cluster of tentages serving as "makeshift brothels" providing sexual services for illegal immigrants in the middle of a jungle.

They can be very efficient if they wanted to.

Not saying anything about TS. It is about other big time property speculators with deep pockets.

There is a commercial element to this. Which deters the authorities from moving the problem to another location.
The authorities are keenly aware that prospective real estate speculators can press down the purchase price of property in such area.
They buy it dirt cheap from existing owners because they say it is a red light district area full of foreign prostitutes and foreign workers.
After buying up several properties, the speculators form a pressure group to protest/implore/petition/etc... the authorities/Police/PM/whatever/whoever....
to halt all such activities or move them elsewhere.
The price of the property starts to escalate and rise.
For example, $0.3 Million becomes $3 million or $5 Million. Multiply capital appreciation like that, by 20 properties or more.
Property speculators laugh all the way to the bank.

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I find your mail in the website quite exaggerating... gf tramatised ? This is the 21st century - when local women become so "soft"

These "pimp" what you say personally I think if they are pimp won't want trouble or run afoul of the law. What you say intimidate your gf, slam the car, etc. is quite hard to believe

What you want SPF to do ? No crime, drug, force prositution... Today news I saw some CITZENS ON PATROL in one of the consitency - volunteered by the residents to helo one another on crimes, etc. Instead of complaining may wish to pool your neighbour start one in your community to see if helps ?

Looking that those pictures, it seems that those activities have been going on for more than 3years already and Adam has been enduring it for such a long time.

SPF or in particular, the Anti-vice unit - it is a matter of whether they wish to eradicate all the activities there or not. If they were to come and raid every hour non-stop, I suppose there would be no more woman there. Either these woman are caught, or their pimps would bring them to work somewhere else. I guess the AV knows the situation very well.

Someone suggested to Adam to rent out his house. 50k a month might be wishful thinking and somewhat exaggerated. But 20k might be more realistic. and then, just go rent a condo or even another house somewhere else at a much lower price. Cannot understand why Adam choose to stay at that filthy place.

And after posting the video, I am sure those pimps and so forth would know easily who is behind all these complaints and "trouble". I guess it is now pretty risky to continue to stay there.

If raid them too hard, you know what happens ? You will force them to soliciate in mainstream residential areas and neighbourhoods. All of us don't want that right ? Better contained them in these designated hotspots.

ricohflex said:
There is a commercial element to this.
In singapore, u need to analyse things from financial point.
See our COE now, it is all about protecting our banks with more deposits due to low interest rates.

If raid them too hard, you know what happens ? You will force them to soliciate in mainstream residential areas and neighbourhoods. All of us don't want that right ? Better contained them in these designated hotspots.

How about contain them in your or my neighborhood? No? Anywhere else but ours? So why Adam's? Despite being located 'within' the red light district, if Jln Suka is designated solely for residential use then it's perfectly logical for Adam to raise the issue with the authority, and rightfully so. Of course whether action is taken or not, that's another matter. I don't like saying this but I don't think much would be done to improve the current situation.

Btw, never under-estimate how hostile those people could get if they felt threatened. And it's not just the pimps but ALL those involved in the vice trades. Knowing she is someone of the complainant, it will be a lot more than just a few stares. This has nothing to do with being soft or a 21st century woman. Try walking around the back lanes in Geylang area and don't forget to whip out your dslr and see what kind of stares (hopefully nothing more) you will get.

Adam, it's a good idea installing a cctv outside your unit. Be safe and all the best.

if I were home affairs Minister I would take an "European"-style solution to this (being pragmatic)

1) legalize institutionalized prostitution. Currently it is legal for a woman to prostitute herself (last resort for woman to work). We should set up commercial brothels - clean (mandatory laundry cleaning, etc) , sleaze-less, mandatory CISCO security, no smoking, mandatory HIV / VD testing for Prostitute License (with nominal fee eg $50 enough to cover the charges of the said medical checkups

2) Allow licensed pimps to drive vans of prostitutes to designated rooms at workers dormitories. This way, it is convenient for foreign workers, and they won't congregate in the red light district and un-intentionally intimidate locals. The licensing should be strict but low charge (unfortunately I think this would not happen in Sg- Govt revenues from licensing is always super lucrative and attractive for stat boards to grab)

With legalized, easy and clean access to prostitutes, it would be less tempting for gangsters and pimps to run illegal rings. After all, why do that if costs are low enough and it is easy to be legit :)

Certainly this proposal will prove controversial. I guess some readers are already up in arms after reading this. I am sure there will be moral purists who insist that prostitution is immoral, unethical, etcetc but guess what it still goes on regardless of what moralists think. Hence we should take a pragmatic approach to this issue and solve the roots of the problem, mainly, the love of money (root of all evil). [1.41 is , incidentally, the root of 2]

Good evening~

if I were home affairs Minister I would take an "European"-style solution to this (being pragmatic)

1) legalize institutionalized prostitution. Currently it is legal for a woman to prostitute herself (last resort for woman to work). We should set up commercial brothels - clean (mandatory laundry cleaning, etc) , sleaze-less, mandatory CISCO security, no smoking, mandatory HIV / VD testing for Prostitute License (with nominal fee eg $50 enough to cover the charges of the said medical checkups

2) Allow licensed pimps to drive vans of prostitutes to designated rooms at workers dormitories. This way, it is convenient for foreign workers, and they won't congregate in the red light district and un-intentionally intimidate locals. The licensing should be strict but low charge (unfortunately I think this would not happen in Sg- Govt revenues from licensing is always super lucrative and attractive for stat boards to grab)

With legalized, easy and clean access to prostitutes, it would be less tempting for gangsters and pimps to run illegal rings. After all, why do that if costs are low enough and it is easy to be legit :)

Certainly this proposal will prove controversial. I guess some readers are already up in arms after reading this. I am sure there will be moral purists who insist that prostitution is immoral, unethical, etcetc but guess what it still goes on regardless of what moralists think. Hence we should take a pragmatic approach to this issue and solve the roots of the problem, mainly, the love of money (root of all evil). [1.41 is , incidentally, the root of 2]

Good evening~


Let's have Kempeitai style of comfort women!

if I were home affairs Minister I would take an "European"-style solution to this (being pragmatic)

1) legalize institutionalized prostitution. Currently it is legal for a woman to prostitute herself (last resort for woman to work). We should set up commercial brothels - clean (mandatory laundry cleaning, etc) , sleaze-less, mandatory CISCO security, no smoking, mandatory HIV / VD testing for Prostitute License (with nominal fee eg $50 enough to cover the charges of the said medical checkups

2) Allow licensed pimps to drive vans of prostitutes to designated rooms at workers dormitories. This way, it is convenient for foreign workers, and they won't congregate in the red light district and un-intentionally intimidate locals. The licensing should be strict but low charge (unfortunately I think this would not happen in Sg- Govt revenues from licensing is always super lucrative and attractive for stat boards to grab)

With legalized, easy and clean access to prostitutes, it would be less tempting for gangsters and pimps to run illegal rings. After all, why do that if costs are low enough and it is easy to be legit :)

Certainly this proposal will prove controversial. I guess some readers are already up in arms after reading this. I am sure there will be moral purists who insist that prostitution is immoral, unethical, etcetc but guess what it still goes on regardless of what moralists think. Hence we should take a pragmatic approach to this issue and solve the roots of the problem, mainly, the love of money (root of all evil). [1.41 is , incidentally, the root of 2]

Good evening~

sure come knocking on your door :sweat:

if I were home affairs Minister I would take an "European"-style solution to this (being pragmatic)

1) legalize institutionalized prostitution. Currently it is legal for a woman to prostitute herself (last resort for woman to work). We should set up commercial brothels - clean (mandatory laundry cleaning, etc) , sleaze-less, mandatory CISCO security, no smoking, mandatory HIV / VD testing for Prostitute License (with nominal fee eg $50 enough to cover the charges of the said medical checkups

2) Allow licensed pimps to drive vans of prostitutes to designated rooms at workers dormitories. This way, it is convenient for foreign workers, and they won't congregate in the red light district and un-intentionally intimidate locals. The licensing should be strict but low charge (unfortunately I think this would not happen in Sg- Govt revenues from licensing is always super lucrative and attractive for stat boards to grab)

With legalized, easy and clean access to prostitutes, it would be less tempting for gangsters and pimps to run illegal rings. After all, why do that if costs are low enough and it is easy to be legit :)

Certainly this proposal will prove controversial. I guess some readers are already up in arms after reading this. I am sure there will be moral purists who insist that prostitution is immoral, unethical, etcetc but guess what it still goes on regardless of what moralists think. Hence we should take a pragmatic approach to this issue and solve the roots of the problem, mainly, the love of money (root of all evil). [1.41 is , incidentally, the root of 2]

Good evening~

You should have posted it here ;p jk jk :D

Sion said:

Let's have Kempeitai style of comfort women!

Please don't use the term comfort women. It is very specific and refers to the women used and abused by the Japanese army during the second world war. It has a connotation beyond that of a prostitute or escort and is not interchangeable with them.

If you can't beat them, join them! Rent out your place which will generate high income then rent or buy somewhere else for peace of your mind.

The issue with that place cannot be solved within the next few months or even years.


I find your mail in the website quite exaggerating... gf tramatised ? This is the 21st century - when local women become so "soft"

These "pimp" what you say personally I think if they are pimp won't want trouble or run afoul of the law. What you say intimidate your gf, slam the car, etc. is quite hard to believe

What you want SPF to do ? No crime, drug, force prositution... Today news I saw some CITZENS ON PATROL in one of the consitency - volunteered by the residents to helo one another on crimes, etc. Instead of complaining may wish to pool your neighbour start one in your community to see if helps ?

to start with... streetwalkers are not legal in Geylang.. so watever way u look at it.. its obvious that someone is not doing their job..

to start with... streetwalkers are not legal in Geylang.. so watever way u look at it.. its obvious that someone is not doing their job..
These streetwalkers could be arrested for what is known as "Loitering". They just dress "attractively" and hang around without soliciting, but they can still be arrested.

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