[Andy Ang] - A Photo A Day (Yesterday's)

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Split Second. Guess what it is. ;-)


Andy Ang said:
These are just part of the set. Upload for fun. :)

first one...really dunno wat the heck it is
second one...watch?!
third one...motorola V3 keypad...my hp also...haha...:bsmilie:

choo, not bad leh ... I only guessed the watch, and also dunno whether it's really a watch ... cannot be so obvious, right? :think:

then wat's the first one??
crack cd stack together? ;p

Huh? First one. My watch also lah. The 'seconds' hand. THat's why its called 'split second' ;p


Sorry for Missing the pic yesterday, too late come back le.
So today post for yesterday also, this also answer choo's question.
(Cos this is the watch in question...) ;p


Oh ya, this is done with Lensbabies. Must take more when I still have it. :)

looking forward to seeing more lensbabies shots. :)

would like to have one lens baby also...but no money...:cry:

Ya,today will have 2 Lensbabies shots. One for yesterday and another one for today. :)

"Who hit me in the eye and made me lose the race? Must be you right horsie!"


nice piggy!

btw wat is lensbaby?
does it give that effect u have for these two photos?

haha...funny caption for the last two shot...:bsmilie:
btw...how much u bought the lens baby?

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